Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Girls meet SANTA

Last Friday we took the girls to see Santa.  Lily was super excited but I had a feeling she may flake out.  We told her she was supposed to tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas.  Lily has no problem telling us what she wants Santa to bring but again... she gets so nervous around people.  Just to be silly we told her if she didn't tell Santa what she wanted he would bring her jeans and green beans.  Both of which she really DISLIKES!!!  Well the tactic worked... She was a little apprehensive at first but warmed right up to the big guy!!!  Marley was a breeze :)

and here comes take 1 with big sissy...

seriously... why do I have to sit here?

Take 2 much better...

then Santa said something was missing from the picture... acting a bit dumb I'm like... what?  This is what we came for so I think we are good.... OH NO!  Mama and daddy joined :)

Totally unprepared for a photo!  Not that I ever do anything with myself anyway but geesh...  I really need a makeover!!!

And for the grand finale... Lily by herself with the BIG GUY...

seriously... are we done yet?  she was cringing!

Need I say more!  This photo is HILARIOUS!!!  I can't wait to show it to her when she gets older!  Too cute!

And this is as close as we got to a smile with Santa... a goodbye hug!

Lily proudly told Santa she wants a Lalaloopsy doll and a microphone.  

And Marley is a bit too little to tell Santa what she wanted... She LOVES anything cuddly!!! 

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