Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Eve {part 2}

The first half of the Christmas Eve post was getting long so I thought I'd split them up.  I hate leaving details out as this is more of a journal for me and those who like to read it!

Let the fun begin!

Necklaces I made for Isabell and Courtney

Superhero capes I made for Cash and Chase

Helping Grandpa Don spend his money

They loved playing with Cash's tool bench

Marley was beating up on Courtney

Grandma Lori and the grandkids in the jammies she got for them.  Would also like to mention how great my mom looks.  She has been working hard to lose weight.  She looks really good!

Reading Twas the Night Before Christmas book mommy and daddy recorded for the girls

My angels

Getting ready to say good bye after a late night... Didn't leave Avoca till around 11 pm...

Lily stayed awake almost the whole way home.  5 minutes before we pulled in she was out!  We tried to get her to stay awake to put cookies and milk out for Santa but she was too tuckered out.  Mommy and daddy left the cookies and milk and carrots for Rudolph. 

Tee pee Santa (mommy) made for the girls!

Lily sleeping on the Charlie Brown Christmas pillowcase I made.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!

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