Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Marley was so fussy lastnight neither Brian or I knew what to do with her.  Brian got up around noon because he has been taking the night shift (THANK YOU), then went to work on his truck all afternoon.  I managed with both kids pretty well until Lily started acting up.  I had been holding Marley most of the day and I think she just needed some extra attention that she wasn't getting.  I needed to go out and get diapers and formula so Brian bundled Marley up to see if a car ride would soothe her.  Needless to say by the time we got her to the car she was out so she was an angel in Target. 

Wednesday morning I called the doctors office to report Marley's symptoms in an attempt to figure out why she is so fussy.  She even screams after she has a full belly.  One would think she would be content having just eaten.  Our pediatrician suggested trying yet another sensitive formula to see if that helps.  Well...she doesn't seem to be quite as crabby but is now spitting up even worse.  I wish I knew what to do for her.  I guess it is all trial and error right now and hope to find a solution soon.  Maybe she is just going to be a crabby baby for a while...ugh...

Wednesday afternoon we set out to have the girls pictures taken at Portrait Innovations.  I really just wanted photos for Marley but got Lily ready too just in case.  I knew Lily probably wouldn't cooperate since she didn't when we went for her 2 year pics in July.  Sure enough we got 2 photos of the two of the together before she flaked...

So I figured child number 2 would at least cooperate but I guess I was wrong with that too.  As soon as we set Marley down she started screaming.  Nothing would soothe her.  I ended up getting her calmed down again with her pacifier and we decided I would just hold her up in an attempt to snap a quick picture.  We got all ready and quickly pulled out her binky and snapped a picture.  Ta worked. 

It was Lily's nap time so when we sat down to order the pics she started acting up.  She wanted to run around the place and it was so busy.  Brian ended up taking her to the car and I stayed to select the pictures.  By the time I when to pay Marley was screaming something fierce.  One would think someone was torturing her.  I finally got her calmed down just before we got in the car.  We didn't have time to wait for the pictures so I will post them on here later tonight when we go back to pick them up. 

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