So Monday we took Marley to the doctor again to have her blood drawn. It takes about 2 hours to know the results. She did lose another ounce, back down to 6 lb 4 oz.
In the meantime I met with a Lactation Consultant at Lakeside Hospital in an attempt to help with the breastfeeding. Of course, Marley did stellar at the appointment but continued with her problems when we got home. She gained almost an ounce with the feeding, as is expected. While we were at the consult, Childrens called back with the news that Marleys bili levels were up even higher, at 17, so she needed to be started on photo therapy. They informed us that Childrens Home Health would be calling to set up a time to come to the house within the next few hours. Once they arrived at the house, we were informed that Marley was going to have to wear this belt 24/7. You should see this thing. The bili light velcros around the torso and is hooked to this tube-like thing which in turn is plugged into the wall. OMG, seriously? But we made it work. They gave us all this paperwork to track how much she ate, how many wet and dirty diapers, her temperature, and how long she was out of the light. We took her out of the light for only a minute for a couple of diaper changes but then figured out how to change her diaper so we didn't even have to take it off.
Home health came back out the next day to draw Marleys blood again and get her vitals. Her weight was up to 6 lb 7.5 oz. Again, it takes 2 hours for the blood test to come back and we were just praying they were down so she wouldn't have to wear the belt any longer. Thank heavens her level dropped back down to 14 so they said she no longer needed the light!!!
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