Thanksgiving was pretty low key. We stayed home most of the day with Marley as Lily had spent the night with Aunt Teresa the night before. We went to eat dinner at Larry & Eva's around 4 and we were home by 8. Marley did great most of the time but started to get fussy when we left. We are still having issues with her formula. The formula the doctor suggested on Wednesday was making her spit up like no other we took her off of it. Brian was feeding her before we left for dinner and she threw up all over him...face and all. So we are back to square one with that.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Marley was so fussy lastnight neither Brian or I knew what to do with her. Brian got up around noon because he has been taking the night shift (THANK YOU), then went to work on his truck all afternoon. I managed with both kids pretty well until Lily started acting up. I had been holding Marley most of the day and I think she just needed some extra attention that she wasn't getting. I needed to go out and get diapers and formula so Brian bundled Marley up to see if a car ride would soothe her. Needless to say by the time we got her to the car she was out so she was an angel in Target.
Wednesday morning I called the doctors office to report Marley's symptoms in an attempt to figure out why she is so fussy. She even screams after she has a full belly. One would think she would be content having just eaten. Our pediatrician suggested trying yet another sensitive formula to see if that helps. Well...she doesn't seem to be quite as crabby but is now spitting up even worse. I wish I knew what to do for her. I guess it is all trial and error right now and hope to find a solution soon. Maybe she is just going to be a crabby baby for a while...ugh...
Wednesday afternoon we set out to have the girls pictures taken at Portrait Innovations. I really just wanted photos for Marley but got Lily ready too just in case. I knew Lily probably wouldn't cooperate since she didn't when we went for her 2 year pics in July. Sure enough we got 2 photos of the two of the together before she flaked...
So I figured child number 2 would at least cooperate but I guess I was wrong with that too. As soon as we set Marley down she started screaming. Nothing would soothe her. I ended up getting her calmed down again with her pacifier and we decided I would just hold her up in an attempt to snap a quick picture. We got all ready and quickly pulled out her binky and snapped a picture. Ta worked.
It was Lily's nap time so when we sat down to order the pics she started acting up. She wanted to run around the place and it was so busy. Brian ended up taking her to the car and I stayed to select the pictures. By the time I when to pay Marley was screaming something fierce. One would think someone was torturing her. I finally got her calmed down just before we got in the car. We didn't have time to wait for the pictures so I will post them on here later tonight when we go back to pick them up.
Wednesday morning I called the doctors office to report Marley's symptoms in an attempt to figure out why she is so fussy. She even screams after she has a full belly. One would think she would be content having just eaten. Our pediatrician suggested trying yet another sensitive formula to see if that helps. Well...she doesn't seem to be quite as crabby but is now spitting up even worse. I wish I knew what to do for her. I guess it is all trial and error right now and hope to find a solution soon. Maybe she is just going to be a crabby baby for a while...ugh...
Wednesday afternoon we set out to have the girls pictures taken at Portrait Innovations. I really just wanted photos for Marley but got Lily ready too just in case. I knew Lily probably wouldn't cooperate since she didn't when we went for her 2 year pics in July. Sure enough we got 2 photos of the two of the together before she flaked...
So I figured child number 2 would at least cooperate but I guess I was wrong with that too. As soon as we set Marley down she started screaming. Nothing would soothe her. I ended up getting her calmed down again with her pacifier and we decided I would just hold her up in an attempt to snap a quick picture. We got all ready and quickly pulled out her binky and snapped a picture. Ta worked.
It was Lily's nap time so when we sat down to order the pics she started acting up. She wanted to run around the place and it was so busy. Brian ended up taking her to the car and I stayed to select the pictures. By the time I when to pay Marley was screaming something fierce. One would think someone was torturing her. I finally got her calmed down just before we got in the car. We didn't have time to wait for the pictures so I will post them on here later tonight when we go back to pick them up.
2 weeks old!
Marley had her 2 week check-up on Monday. Dr said she looked great. The jaundice is continuing to get better. She still has some yellow in her face but is working itself up and out. Her weight was up to 7 lbs and was 20 1/4" tall. I knew she would put up some weight having started the formula.
Marley at this point is not a very easy baby. She seems to be quite fussy and very strong willed. She is not afraid to tell you when she wants something. She HATES to be wet. We have gone through so many diapers it is unreal. I don't know why they bother selling newborn diapers in packages of 30. We could go through that in almost 2 days. Walmart seems to be the only place in town that sells them in large boxes.
She is eating anywhere from 2-3 oz at a time but her schedule is no where near consistant. She is so unpredictable. I sure hope that improves soon. I don't want her to be unhappy.
Game day, etc...
Saturday Brian asked if would be ok if he went to watch the Nebraska game somewhere. Since it was so close to Lily going to bed it really didn't matter much to me. So for the first time since Marley was born I got a taste of what it would be like to have them both home by myself. Both girls were great. Marley slept almost the whole time. Lily was almost a complete angel with the exception of one thing...I went to change Marley's diaper to get her ready to eat. I had already gotten the bottle ready and set it on the end table by the chair. To my surprise when I came back, Lily was standing in front of the tv with the bottle in her mouth. She seemed to thing it was pretty tasty and called it her milk. So I set Marley down and went back to the kitchen to make yet another bottle. I explained to Lily that the bottle was for the baby and that she is a big girl. I still don't think she cared.
Aunt Teresa came to visit on Monday. She hadn't seen the girls in over a week due to being sick. She brought some gifts from Kurts mom Eva. Eva had knitted Marley a blanket and a hat and scarf for Lily. Lily loves hats and ended up wearing it the entire afternoon and evening.
Aunt Teresa came to visit on Monday. She hadn't seen the girls in over a week due to being sick. She brought some gifts from Kurts mom Eva. Eva had knitted Marley a blanket and a hat and scarf for Lily. Lily loves hats and ended up wearing it the entire afternoon and evening.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Big Sister Little Sister
So on Friday the 19th, we set out to take pictures for Marleys birth announcements. Lily sometimes isn't a fan of sitting still so I didn't know how this would go. To my surprise she did great and it only took a few minutes.
This same day we made the tough decision to give up on the breastfeeding. It was a lot harder on me than anyone. Brian did a great job and was sticking by me a supporting me the whole time. He knew it wasn't working well for any of us. I was a walking zombie as I hadn't hardly slept in days and was in so much pain. We knew that Marley would be just fine on formula as was Lily. I just really wanted this to work out but Marley wasn't getting enough to eat. So after her first bottle of formula she seemed quite satisfied and happy. Can't say the same for mommy :(
This same day we made the tough decision to give up on the breastfeeding. It was a lot harder on me than anyone. Brian did a great job and was sticking by me a supporting me the whole time. He knew it wasn't working well for any of us. I was a walking zombie as I hadn't hardly slept in days and was in so much pain. We knew that Marley would be just fine on formula as was Lily. I just really wanted this to work out but Marley wasn't getting enough to eat. So after her first bottle of formula she seemed quite satisfied and happy. Can't say the same for mommy :(
Marleys first bath...
At one week old Marleys cord fell off so it was time to give her a much needed bath. She did great, didn't really cry at all. This was not the case when we gave Lily her first bath. She screamed through the entire thing.
Monday, November 22, 2010
To the dr again!
So Monday we took Marley to the doctor again to have her blood drawn. It takes about 2 hours to know the results. She did lose another ounce, back down to 6 lb 4 oz.
In the meantime I met with a Lactation Consultant at Lakeside Hospital in an attempt to help with the breastfeeding. Of course, Marley did stellar at the appointment but continued with her problems when we got home. She gained almost an ounce with the feeding, as is expected. While we were at the consult, Childrens called back with the news that Marleys bili levels were up even higher, at 17, so she needed to be started on photo therapy. They informed us that Childrens Home Health would be calling to set up a time to come to the house within the next few hours. Once they arrived at the house, we were informed that Marley was going to have to wear this belt 24/7. You should see this thing. The bili light velcros around the torso and is hooked to this tube-like thing which in turn is plugged into the wall. OMG, seriously? But we made it work. They gave us all this paperwork to track how much she ate, how many wet and dirty diapers, her temperature, and how long she was out of the light. We took her out of the light for only a minute for a couple of diaper changes but then figured out how to change her diaper so we didn't even have to take it off.
Home health came back out the next day to draw Marleys blood again and get her vitals. Her weight was up to 6 lb 7.5 oz. Again, it takes 2 hours for the blood test to come back and we were just praying they were down so she wouldn't have to wear the belt any longer. Thank heavens her level dropped back down to 14 so they said she no longer needed the light!!!
In the meantime I met with a Lactation Consultant at Lakeside Hospital in an attempt to help with the breastfeeding. Of course, Marley did stellar at the appointment but continued with her problems when we got home. She gained almost an ounce with the feeding, as is expected. While we were at the consult, Childrens called back with the news that Marleys bili levels were up even higher, at 17, so she needed to be started on photo therapy. They informed us that Childrens Home Health would be calling to set up a time to come to the house within the next few hours. Once they arrived at the house, we were informed that Marley was going to have to wear this belt 24/7. You should see this thing. The bili light velcros around the torso and is hooked to this tube-like thing which in turn is plugged into the wall. OMG, seriously? But we made it work. They gave us all this paperwork to track how much she ate, how many wet and dirty diapers, her temperature, and how long she was out of the light. We took her out of the light for only a minute for a couple of diaper changes but then figured out how to change her diaper so we didn't even have to take it off.
Home health came back out the next day to draw Marleys blood again and get her vitals. Her weight was up to 6 lb 7.5 oz. Again, it takes 2 hours for the blood test to come back and we were just praying they were down so she wouldn't have to wear the belt any longer. Thank heavens her level dropped back down to 14 so they said she no longer needed the light!!!
1st HUSKER game
We took Marley to the doctor this morning to have her bili levels check for her jaundice. Her levels went up from 11 to 14.8 so we had to take her back in Monday morning. She gained a few ounces since the day before, up to 6 lb 5 oz.
Lily gets so excited when she gets to wear her Husker gear. Everytime we get her clothes out to wear on game day she says, "my hukers...go big red" its so cute. She will say the same thing when daddy puts his shirt on..."daddy you got your hukers too..." So she was really excited when Marley got to put her outfit on too.
We had a few visitors over to watch the game. I was gracious enough to get the game for Brian since it was on pay-per-view. We both knew he wouldn't be able to leave the house to watch it somewhere else.
Lily gets so excited when she gets to wear her Husker gear. Everytime we get her clothes out to wear on game day she says, "my hukers...go big red" its so cute. She will say the same thing when daddy puts his shirt on..."daddy you got your hukers too..." So she was really excited when Marley got to put her outfit on too.
We had a few visitors over to watch the game. I was gracious enough to get the game for Brian since it was on pay-per-view. We both knew he wouldn't be able to leave the house to watch it somewhere else.
Uncle Kevin & Aunt Charity came to visit on Sunday too. This was the first time Kevin got to see Marley. Grandma Lori also stopped by.
Uncle Kevin, Chase, and Isabell |
Daddy and his girls (note how yellow Marley is...) |
Home at last
We arrived at home just in time for Lily to see her baby sister before she laid down for a nap. She'd been staying with Aunt Teresa all week while we were in the hospital. (Thanks a ton Teresa!!!)
Lily is so sweet with Marley. When we tell her to give her a kiss she just makes a kissing noise in mid air and doesn't even touch her. Gee I hope she continues to be that gentle with her.
Lily is so sweet with Marley. When we tell her to give her a kiss she just makes a kissing noise in mid air and doesn't even touch her. Gee I hope she continues to be that gentle with her.
We were 1 degree away from record high heat on the day Marley was born (72 degress) and we got our first snow the day she came home. This will be something neat to tell her as she gets older...
Ready to go HOME...
We were finally cleared to go home Friday afternoon. We couldn't wait to get out of the hospital and get home with both of our girls. Marley's bili levels have continued to rise over the last couple of days so she had to go back into the doctor on Saturday to have her blood drawn again. She lost a little weight too... (down to 6 lb 1.2 oz)
And yes I know, I look like I haven't slept in days...well actually I hadn't. Everyone says you are supposed to rest up because you are going to need it when you get home. It's just not that easy...
And yes I know, I look like I haven't slept in days...well actually I hadn't. Everyone says you are supposed to rest up because you are going to need it when you get home. It's just not that easy...
Day 3
My dad and Cindy were finally able to come visit...He didn't hold Marley very long, I think he thought he was going to break her. But they loved her to pieces.
Day 2
My sister Michelle came first thing in the morning to help out. It was nice having someone to sit with me as I really couldn't move around on my own yet. We dressed Marley up all cute and got her ready for more visitors and to have her hospital pictures taken.
Aunt Teresa brought Lily back the second day so she could spend some time with us. She at lunch with mommy and was a very good girl. She still seemed a bit confused about Marley but thankfully she was very calm with her.
Aunt Teresa brought Lily back the second day so she could spend some time with us. She at lunch with mommy and was a very good girl. She still seemed a bit confused about Marley but thankfully she was very calm with her.
Cousin Courtney couldn't wait to come and see Marley |
Cash was quite excited too |
Aunt Charity and Isabell |
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