mama and her girls. Marley was less than thrilled for pictures! I don't always dress the girls alike but on special days like this its fun! Plus they don't fight over anything (hopefully). The girls dresses were made by my sweet friend Ashley from Chickadee Chickadee.
Miss Lily loves to pose
Marley on the otherhand is a goof!
sweet sisters
28 weeks :)
We spent Christmas Eve at my moms house in Avoca this year. The kids all had a great time together and couldn't wait to open gifts! There was even a special surprise in store for them!
As we were setting out all the snacky foods before dinner, Grandpa Mike set out his skillet full of rocky mountain oysters (ick). He casually asks Cash and Lily if they'd like to have some chicken nuggets. What kid wouldn't? Lily was up faster than I could move and already had one in her mouth. Luckily grandpa didn't tell them what they really were. I think they each ate at least 4 or 5 of them! Some day they will love to hear this story.
Marley talked grandma into making chocolate chip pancakes for them for dinner. It's the girls favorite thing to eat when they sleepover at grandmas house.
We knew the big surprise (SANTA) would be arriving soon so we tried to stall the kids a little because they were so anxious to open gifts. They each got little bell necklaces and sang Jingle Bells. It was so sweet.
a little more stalling...
then the big guy all dressed in red arrived! I believe everyone sat on his lap except Marley. She was a little apprehensive. She was however quite excited for gift opening. The look on her face was just priceless each time she went to open. She really didn't care what was in the gift itself, just the mere fact of tearing into that paper made her day!
each year we draw names for gifts rather than buying for everyone individually. I had my sisters name this year! She loves Coach so I figured I'd get her a nice wristlet to go with one of her purses. Lo and behold, I opened my gift first since we go youngest to oldest and it's from my sister. I open it up and what do I get? A Coach wristlet! I couldn't even keep a straight face since she was opening next. Cannot believe we got each other the same thing. They were both black just a little different print on them. Great minds think alike!
We soon headed home so we could get the girls to bed. They watched the rest of their movie on the way home and Marley fell fast asleep. Lily got to help get Santa's cookies and the carrots ready for the reindeer.
and the stockings were hung...
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