Marley had her one year check up on Monday November 14. Luckily I knew what to expect. Lots of shots and a finger poke. Marley did outstanding!!! She didn't even shed a tear when the nurse pricked her finger. The shots on the other hand were so sad to watch. Thankfully she had a great day and really wasn't bothered with sore legs.
Marley 1 year ~ 20 lb 29"
Chubby girl... but now where NEAR as big as her big sissy!
Lily 1 year ~ 25 lb 14.5 oz 30"
ONE year stats:
20 lbs 29" long
size 12-18 month clothing although still wears 3-6 mo pants
size 3 diapers
size 3 shoes
6 teeth
1-2 naps a day
loves her binky
starting to like a blankie and stuffed toys
standing on own for a second or two
taking a step or two at a time then gets scared
big eater!!! still working on the veggies
screams when hungry
one bottle still at bedtime otherwise whole milk during the day
sleeps 10-11 hours at night
says mama, dada, nigh nigh
waves bye bye and night night
tries to blow kisses
gives lots and lots of loves
I was so proud of Lily when she drew this all by herself in the waiting room. She amazes me!!!
Our after doctor trip to Target. We usually can't leave the house without stopping. My bank account hates it but I love it!!!