Thursday, November 24, 2011

Just Because

showing off the tops mommy made :)

as if she hadn't had enough to eat :)

she LOVES smearing it in her hair :)

Lily's Thanksgiving Program

A week ago today Lily had a "pumpkin explosion" at preschool.  To date I've missed everything at Lily's school except her first day.  It seems all of her activites are when I'm working.  Daddy just loves it!!!  Thankfully, I was able to get off work at 10 am (record) to attend her program.  Each family was asked to make their favorite recipe with pumpkin to share with the class and their families.  Brian made pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. 

Of course, Lily didn't sing at all but it was still super cute to see all the kids in their turkey hats!!

enjoying one of our pumpkin cupcakes!

ONE year check up

Marley had her one year check up on Monday November 14.  Luckily I knew what to expect.  Lots of shots and a finger poke.  Marley did outstanding!!!  She didn't even shed a tear when the nurse pricked her finger.  The shots on the other hand were so sad to watch.  Thankfully she had a great day and really wasn't bothered with sore legs. 

Marley 1 year ~ 20 lb 29"

Chubby girl... but now where NEAR as big as her big sissy!

Lily 1 year ~ 25 lb 14.5 oz 30"

ONE year stats:
  • 20 lbs 29" long
  • size 12-18 month clothing although still wears 3-6 mo pants
  • size 3 diapers
  • size 3 shoes
  • 6 teeth
  • 1-2 naps a day
  • loves her binky
  • starting to like a blankie and stuffed toys
  • standing on own for a second or two
  • taking a step or two at a time then gets scared
  • big eater!!!  still working on the veggies
  • screams when hungry
  • one bottle still at bedtime otherwise whole milk during the day
  • sleeps 10-11 hours at night
  • says mama, dada, nigh nigh
  • waves bye bye and night night
  • tries to blow kisses
  • gives lots and lots of loves
I was so proud of Lily when she drew this all by herself in the waiting room.  She amazes me!!!

Our after doctor trip to Target.  We usually can't leave the house without stopping.  My bank account hates it but I love it!!!

Marley {ONE}

I have no idea where the time has gone... not just this past few weeks but the entire year.  This is way late, I know, but I've been so busy with my new found love for sewing I haven't take the time to blog.  So here is Marley on her FIRST birthday!!!

not the biggest fan of that sticker still... and now they are all done :(

Sisterly love...

Ready to open my gifts!!!

and a special gift from Aunt TT

Happy First Birthday little one!!!  May you have many many more!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Preparing for Marley's party {treat bags}

I usually go over the top on the kids treat bags but this time I decided to scale it down a bit.  It gets to be SO expensive, well with my taste anyway.  I kept this one very simple and made most of it myself...

The finished product!

Hand stamped thank you cards

Handmade owl ornaments (yes I made these too)

Tutorial is here

DIY Owl picture frame

Scarecrow Crunch

recipe here

Contents of the treat bag plus I threw in a little extra candy!

First Snow!

Yuck... I am so not ready for winter!!!  I always take a picture of the first snow of the season.  I was at work Wednesday 11-02 so Brian took the picture for me...

Happy Halloween {2011}

The girls had an excellent Halloween this year!  Well mostly anyway... Lily had already had a cold for a couple of days and Marley woke up sick Halloween morning.  She was really congested.  Despite all of that the girls had a great day!  Lily had been talking about dressing up for weeks.  She was SO excited to be Snow White.  Whenever anyone asked her what she was going to be she quickly let them know...

Here are my little pumpkins...

So excited to be Snow White!

Trick or Treat

Look at all of our candy!

Carving Pumpkins

Yes I know this post is a little late.  Too busy around here.  Sunday night 10-29 we carved pumpkins.  Lily colored hers with marker while Brian and I carved very simple faces this year.  Here they are...